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Version: 2.x


Orionjs schema has two main purposes. First, it describes the structure of each Model, which will set automatically the GraphQL schema for that Model. Second, if you specify a Model in the setup of a Collection, it will validate the structure of a document before it's get inserted or updated into the MongoDB. You can also use the validate Model function which will throw a ValidationError if the object doesn't fit the given schema. It's important to note that validate is async.

Basic Usage

In Orionjs schemas are defined as a plain object with an specific structure.


import {validate} from '@orion-js/schema'

const bookSchema = {
title: {
type: String,
label: 'Name'
author: {
type: String,
label: 'Author'
releaseDate: {
type: Date,
label: 'Release Date',
optional: true

// The following will pass
await validate(bookSchema, {title: 'The Book', author: 'The author'})
await validate(bookSchema, {title: 'The Book', author: 'The author', releaseDate: new Date()})

// The following will throw a ValidationError
await validate(bookSchema, {title: 'The Book'}) // The author is missing
await validate(bookSchema, {title: 'The Book', author: 'The author', releaseDate: 3}) // releaseDate should be type date

Schema rules

There are several options available, the only required is type.

The options available are:


The type property has the following options:

  • String or 'string'.
  • Number or 'number'.
  • Date or 'date'.
  • Boolean or 'boolean'.
  • 'ID' allows you to save an id, which could be a string or an integer.
  • 'email' checks if the email inserted has a valid format.
  • 'integer' allows you to save integers.
  • 'blackbox' allows you to save any object.
  • Custom, you can set as a type any Model.

All the types can be used as array, for example if you want an array of String you should use [String].


The label should be a String. It's used by orionjs-react-autoform.


The description should be a String. It will be the description for GraphQL and it's used by orionjs-react-autoform .


By default, all keys are required. Set optional: true to make a field optional.


This attribute cannot be queried from the API, not exposed in Graphql.

By default, all keys are not private. Set private: true to make a field private.


  • If type is Number or 'integer', these rules define the minimum and maximum numeric value.
  • If type is String, these rules define the minimum or maximum string length.
  • If type is Date, these rules define the minimum or maximum date.


Should be an array of values.

  • If type is Number, String, Date or 'integer' it will allow only values specified in this field.
  • If type is an array of any type, it will accept only values specified in this field.


Defines the default value for the field if nothing was given.


This receives a function - which could be async - with the following arguments:

  • fieldValue: It's the value for the given field.
  • options: An object with the following keys:
    • schema: The full schema you are validating against.
    • currentSchema: The subpart of the schema you are validating.
    • doc: The full object you are validating.
    • currentDoc: The subpart of the object you are validating.

With this function you can make a custom validation of the value, it should return the error message if any and nothing if it has been successfully validated

Example, we will make a custom email validation without the use of the type email

const schema = {
email: {
type: String,
validate(fieldValue) {
// Regex to test if an email is valid
const regex =

if (!regex.test(fieldValue)) return 'notAnEmail'


This receives a function - which could be async - with the following arguments:

  • fieldValue: It's the value for the given field.
  • options: An object with the following keys:
    • doc: The full object you are validating.
    • currentDoc: The subpart of the object you are validating.

With this function you can make a custom clean of the value, it should return the new value for this field