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Version: 2.x


Orionjs is made to work with MongoDB de default. To connect to MongoDB and execute queries you must create Collections.

The structure of the main collections of the application

└── app
└── collections
└── Collection1
└── index.js
  • collections: The directory of the set of collections.
  • Collection1: Represents the collection use to manage its respective documents.

Create a collection

By convention collections are created in the app/collections folder, but you can create a collection anywhere.

import {Collection} from '@orion-js/app'

const MyCollection = new Collection({
  • name: The name of the collection in MongoDB.
  • model: A model assigned to the collection. The schema of the model will be used to validate inserts and updates into the collection, and it will be initialized when using find methods.
  • indexes: An array of indexes for this collection. Each item will be passed to the collection.createIndex(keys, options) function from MongoDB.
    • keys: An object containing the keys.
    • options An object with the options of the index.
  • connection: Specify another database connection (see more).


The Orionjs collection API is an abstraction of the Nodejs MongoDB Driver. It has the following methods:

Find one

Returns a document initializing it with the passed model.

const item = await collection.findOne(selector)


Returns a MongoDB cursor.

const cursor = collection.find(selector)
cursor.sort({date: -1})

The toArray() function of the cursor will initialize all the items with the passed model.

const items = await collection.find(selector).toArray()
const count = await collection.find(selector).count()


Inserts documents to the DB. Each document will be cleaned and verified using the passed model's schema. This function will return the _id of the inserted item

const docId = await collection.insertOne(document)
const docsIds = await collection.insertMany([document1, document2])


Updates documents in the DB. The changes will be verified using the passed model's schema. The fields that are not changed will not be verified.

await updateOne(selector, modifier)
await updateMany(selector, modifier)


Deletes one or many documents.

await deleteOne(selector)
await deleteMany(selector)


Returns a MongoDB cursor using the MongoDB aggregate function. This will not initialize items when returning.

const result = await collection.aggregate(pipeline).toArray()

Connecting to multiple databases

You can specify another database connection when initializing a collection. To connect to other database call the connectToDatabase function.

import {connectToDatabase} from '@orion-js/app'

const mongoURL = process.env.OTHER_MONGO_URL

export default connectToDatabase(mongoURL)

Then use the object returned by that function on the connection param for the collection.

import {Collection} from '@orion-js/app'
import User from 'app/models/User'
import otherDatabaseConnection from '../otherDatabaseConnection'

export default new Collection({
name: 'users',
model: User,
connection: otherDatabaseConnection

Using MongoDB node API

If you need to use the native MongoDB collection api you can get it from the rawCollection variable of the collection.