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Version: 2.x


Jobs are pre-programmed background processes that can be scheduled to run after a certain period of time.

Structure of the main jobs of the application

└── app
└── jobs
├── job1
│ └── index.js
├── job2
└── index.js

Types of jobs

There are two types of jobs. All jobs have cluster support (run only once on any server) and the execution of the jobs may not be in the same server from which it was called.

Event jobs

const myJob = job({
type: 'event',
async run(params) {
// execute something

myJob(params, {
waitToRun: 1000 // run after 1000 ms

To call a event job you must call the job function returned from the initialization.

Recurrent jobs

export default job({
type: 'recurrent',
runEvery: 1000 // runs every 1000 ms
async getNextRun () { // return the date of the next execution
return moment().add(1, 'day').toDate()
async run(params) {
// execute something

This jobs will be called automatically. You can only specify runEvery or getNextRun in a job.


import {start} from '@orion-js/jobs'
import job1 from './job1'
import job2 from './job2'

start({job1, job2})

start makes the jobs declared inside valid and ready to be called.

Jobs can be called at any moment and make changes in the database. Let's take for example the next resolver:

import {resolver} from '@orion-js/app'
import Orders from 'app/collections/Orders'
import checkDeliveryFromOrder from 'app/jobs/checkDeliveryFromOrder'

export default resolver({
params: {
orderId: {
type: 'ID'
returns: true,
mutation: true,
async resolve({orderId}, viewer) {
const order = await Orders.findOne(orderId)
const delivery = await
if (delivery.status !== 'completed') {
const oneDay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24
checkDeliveryFromOrder({orderId}, {waitToRun: oneDay})
return true

The resolver checks if a delivery asociated to an order has been completed. Since is still in its way, it calls the job checkDeliveryFromOrder with a time period equal to a day. This means that it will be executed 24 hours from now.

import {job} from '@orion-js/jobs'
import Orders from 'app/collections/Orders'

export default job({
type: 'event',
async run({orderId}) {
const order = await Orders.findOne(orderId)
const delivery = await
if (delivery.status === 'completed') {
await order.update({$set: {status: 'delivered'}})
} else {
const threeDays = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 3
this.runJob({orderId}, {waitToRun: threeDays})

checkDeliveryFromOrder receives the orderId parameter, and it checks again if the delivery has been completed. If by now the delivery has been completed, it updates order.status = 'delivered'. At contrary, it runs the job again, now with a time expectancy of 3 days.