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Version: 3.2


To define a Routes controller, we use the decorator @Routes():

import {Routes} from '@orion-js/http'

export class RoutesController {}

And to define routes, we use the decorator @Route():

import {Request, Route, RouteResponse, Routes} from '@orion-js/http'

export class RoutesController {
path: '/example/:exampleId',
method: 'get'
async example(req: Request): RouteResponse {
const {exampleId} = req.params
return {
body: await this.exampleService.getAExample(exampleId)

Options have the following properties:

  • path: The path of the route.
  • method: The HTTP method of the route.
  • middlewares: An array of middlewares to be executed before the route.
  • bodyParser: Which body parser to use. Options: json, text or urlencoded.
  • bodyParserOptions: Options to pass to the body parser.

The function example is the route handler. It receives the request and returns a response. The parameters of the function are:

  • req: The request object.
  • res: The response object.
  • viewer: The viewer object parsed from the request.

And the result of the function must have the following format:

  • body: The body of the response. It can be a string or a object
  • statusCode: The status code of the response.
  • headers: The headers of the response.

If you will use res.end() you must return nothing.