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Version: 3.2


Repository is a service that provides a repository for storing and retrieving data. You can use any DB or data storage you like for a repository, but when a database is needed we recomend using MongoDB with our ORM.

To define a repo you need to create a class that has the @Repository decorator.

import {Collection, MongoCollection, Repository} from '@orion-js/mongodb'
import {ExampleSchema} from 'app/exampleComponent/schemas/ExampleSchema'

export class ExampleRepository {
name: 'examples',
schema: ExampleSchema
private exampleCollection: Collection<ExampleSchema>

async getExampleById(id: string): Promise<ExampleSchema> {
return await this.exampleCollection.findOne({_id: id})

You can use the @MongoCollection decorator to create a mongo collection.

The format is the following:

private exampleCollection: Collection<Schema>
  • The parameters createCollectionOptions are defined here: MongoCollection.
  • The property exampleCollection is the collection that will be created.
  • Collection is the Typescript interface of a collection. You need this to allow Typescript to define all the methods.
  • <Schema> is the @TypedSchema that is used for the document of this collection. This only validates at compilation, not at runtime. If you need to validate at runtime, you must all pass the Schema to the model parameter of the @MongoCollection decorator.

Refer to the MongoDB Module for more information.