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Version: 3.2


Orionjs comes with a http module, powered by expressJS.

Install http package

npm install @orion-js/http

Routes location

Orionjs provides an example for routes management in the services/http folder:

└── services
├── http
│ └── index.ts
└── index.ts

Start server

import {startServer, registerRoutes} from '@orion-js/http'


Defining a route

To define a new route you must call the route function from package.

import {route} from '@orion-js/http'

The route function requires an argument of type Object that contains the following properties:

  • path: string.
  • method: 'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'delete' | 'all'
  • bodyParser?: 'json' | 'text' | 'urlencoded'
  • bodyParserOptions?: Custom options to body parser.
  • middlewares?: Add a middleware to the route, see, for more information.
  • resolve(request, response, viewer): Async function that returns the RouteResponse.
    • request: HTTP request object.
    • response: HTTP response object.
    • viewer: An object with the information about the current viewer.
  • app?: Pass another express app.


Example defining basic route

The following is a basic example using defining a route that will be exposed under the GET method on the route '/' and return a message in its body 'Hello World'

import {route} from '@orion-js/http'

export default route({
path: '/',
method: 'get',
async resolve(req, res, viewer) {
return {
body: 'Hello world'