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Version: 3.0


Orion Env is a utility for managing a collection of secrets in source control. The secrets are encrypted using public key, elliptic curve cryptography.

This package works as standlaone package. It does not depend on any other orionjs package.

It's like dotEnv but saved in source control.

Creating a new Env config file

Run the following script in a project that has the package installed. Save the password output because you will need to use it to decrypt the keys.

yarn orion-env init --path=<path>

Adding a new env variable

Run the following script in a project that has the package installed and you will be prompted for the variable name and value.

yarn orion-env add --path=<path>

Using in your app

Define the following environment variables (in the old way):

  • ORION_ENV_FILE_PATH=<path> The path to the env file.
  • ORION_ENV_SECRET_KEY=<password> The password to decrypt the keys.

Then you can access the variables by importing the package and all the env variables defined will be the env object.

import {env} from '@orion-js/env'


Setting environment variables (process.env)

To add backwards compatibility you can also use this libary to set the environment variables.

import {loadEnv} from '@orion-js/env'


This will set the environment variables for the current process.


  • secretKey Secret password used to decrypt the encrypted env file. Default: process.env.ORION_ENV_SECRET_KEY
  • envFilePath Location of the file to read. Default: process.env.ORION_ENV_FILE_PATH
  • override Set to true to set the environment variables even if the variable was already set. Default: process.env.ORION_ENV_OVERRIDE