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Version: 3.0


Resolvers of the application are responsible for handling incoming requests and returning responses to the client.

Example banner

Install package

npm install @orion-js/resolvers

The structure of the main resolvers of the application

└── resolvers
├── resolver1
│ └── index.ts
├── resolver2
│ └── index.ts
└── index.ts
  • Folder resolvers: The directory of the set of resolvers.
  • resolver1 & resolver2: Function to execute routines, query the database and return data with defined structures.

The routing mechanism is self-managed by name as you export default in the main index.ts file in the resolvers folder. For example, if you want to make a query when resolver1 and the server is running (http://localhost:3000/graphiql), you can send a request through GraphQL as follows:


Example of the resolvers directory index.ts

import resolver1 from './resolver1'
import resolver2 from './resolver2'

export default {

Resolver types

Query resolver

Query resolvers are controllers that can receive parameters and use them for a specific calculation, or to make a GraphQL Query to the database to return an element with its defined schema or of some other specific type.

import {resolver} from '@orion-js/resolvers'

export default resolver({
params: {
parameter1: {
type: String
returns: String,
async resolve(params, viewer) {
return `Hello world, ${params.parameter1}`


You can add cache policy to your resolvers by adding a cache property specifying a number of milliseconds:

cache: 1000 * 60 * 60, // Cache 1 hour in milliseconds


import {resolver} from '@orion-js/resolvers'


export default resolver({
params: {},
returns: String,
async resolve(params, viewer) {
return `Hello Cached`


You can check if the user perfoming the query or mutation has permission (or any condition) adding a checkPermission function to the resolver configuration object.

  • This function receives the resolvers parameters and the current viwer, an object representing the user executing this resolver, as parameters.
  • If the user does not have permission or the condition you check is not valid, you should throw an error.
checkPermission (params, viewer) {
// Check permissions or any condition here.
// Throw an error if viewer is not allowed or conditions are not met.

Mutation resolver

Mutations are used to perform GraphQL mutations to create, update or delete documents of a collection over the database. notice the mutation: true property, which is used to make the distintion for different modules to use, like Autoform

import {resolver} from '@orion-js/resolvers'
import Examples from 'app/collections/Examples'
import Example from 'app/models/Example'

export default resolver({
params: {
parameter1: {
type: String
parameter2: {
type: String
returns: Boolean,
mutation: true,
async resolve({parameter1, parameter2}, viewer) {
const example = await Examples.findOne(parameter1)
await example.update({$set: {parameter2: parameter2}})
return true

Paginated resolver


Paginated resolver, required install @orion-js/paginated-mongodb package.

Install package

npm install @orion-js/paginated-mongodb

paginatedResolvers are used to get MongoDB cursors for a GraphQL Query, into a paginated list. Notice the async getCursor() function with respect to the async resolve() function in the basicResolver.

import {paginatedResolver} from '@orion-js/paginated-mongodb'
import Example from 'app/models/Example'
import Examples from 'app/collections/Examples'

export default paginatedResolver({
params: {},
returns: Example,
async getCursor(params, viewer) {
return Examples.find()

paginatedResolvers also can receive parameters like in resolver:

import {paginatedResolver} from '@orion-js/paginated-mongodb'
import Example from 'app/models/Example'
import Examples from 'app/collections/Examples'

export default paginatedResolver({
params: {
parameter1: {
type: String
returns: Example,
async getCursor({parameter1}, viewer) {
return Examples.find(parameter1)