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Version: 2.x



OrionJS provides file upload and management through the file-manager package.

npm install @orion-js/file-manager


The configuration of file-manager is done by setting the following environment variables:

  • AWS_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID: A valid AWS Access Key used along with the AWS_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to cryptographically sign programmatic AWS requests.
  • AWS_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: A valid AWS Secret Access Key corresponding to the previous key.
  • AWS_S3_BUCKETNAME: The name of the bucket where uploaded files will be storaged into.
  • AWS_S3_REGION: The region where the bucket resides.

To enable file management you must pass the options when initializing the File-Manager resolvers.

import {resolvers, setupFileManager} from '@orion-js/file-manager'

const options = {
accessKeyId: <AWS_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID>,
secretAccessKey: <AWS_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>
bucket: <AWS_S3_BUCKETNAME>,
region: <AWS_S3_REGION>,
basePath: 'basePath',
canUpload: function(params, viewer) {
return true


export default {

inside the options object sended to setupFileManager must be entered the credentials of the S3 storage of AWS that will be used. Particularly, basePath receives a string with the route folder used to storage a particular oploaded file.

Uploading a File

Setting a File type in schema

When creating a new Schema, a File type can be set along the basic type properties already defined.

import {File} from '@orion-js/file-manager'

export default {
title: {
type: String
description: {
type: String
cover: {
type: File

Uploading file

File has its own internal schema (see File). When uploading a document with a File type field, make sure that the JSON uploaded inside the document fits the File schema so it passes it's respective schema validations.

Getting file data

As mentioned before, File is a Model by itself with its own schema, which implies that accessing its information has its own set of rules. The File Model possesses the following ready-to-access properties:

  • key : The name of the file in the S3 storage, with its own concatenated hash.
  • bucket : The name of the bucket used to upload an keep the uploaded files in the S3 storage.
  • name : The original name of the file.
  • type : The type of the file. Currently, it manages png and jpg for images, and pdf.
  • size : The amount of bytes of the file.

Besides, the URL of the file saved in the S3 storage can be obtained through the url() model resolver:

const album = await Albums.findOne(albumId)
// album = {title, description, cover}
return await album.cover.url()