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Version: 2.x


Autoform is an Orionjs package, available to import in any React project and usable as a React Component. It allows to specify the name of a mutation as a prop and automatically setting a form for it, allowing faster developing.


The client side provided by the Orionjs Full-stack Boilerplate has this structure:

└── App
├── Pages
├── Root
├── components
│ ├── AutoForm
│ └── fields
├── helpers
├── i18n
└── index.js

By default, the components folder will have a folder called AutoForm containing a index.js with the next structure:

import createAutoform from 'orionjs-react-autoform'
import fields from '../fields'
import translate from 'App/i18n/translate'

const Autoform = createAutoform({
onError: error => alert(error.message),
getErrorText: (code, field) => {
return translate(`errors.${code}`, field)

export default Autoform
  • createAutoform : Returns the Autoform component.
  • fields : Object that allows Autoform to distinguish the fields of the schema specified in the mutation resolver (see Mutation Resolvers)



Autoform can be called as a React Component:

import React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import Button from 'orionsoft-parts/lib/components/Button'
import AutoForm from 'App/components/AutoForm'

export default class Create extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {}

success() {

render() {
const genre = 'terror'
return (
onSuccess={() => this.success()}
<br />
<Button onClick={() => this.refs.form.submit()}>Register Movie</Button>
  • mutation: Name of the mutation.
  • ref: Reference of the Autoform inside the component. In this case, is used by the Button component.
  • doc: Object that sets the initial state of the Form. The form works with an internal state, which will be the data that will be send to the mutation as parameters.
  • onSuccess: Action triggered after completed the mutation.

This will show in the component the corresponding fields from the mutation schema. The field for genre will have terror as variable value.

An alternative usage implies declaring the fields manually as children of the Autoform component using the Field component from simple-react-form. This is recommended when a specific behavior for a field is required:

import React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import Button from 'orionsoft-parts/lib/components/Button'
import AutoForm from 'App/components/AutoForm'
import {Field} from 'simple-react-form'
import Text from 'orionsoft-parts/lib/components/fields/Text'

export default class Create extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {}

success() {

render() {
const genre = 'terror'
return (
<AutoForm mutation="insertMovie" ref="form" doc={{genre}} onSuccess={() => this.success()}>
<div className="label">Name:</div>
<Field fieldName="name" type={Text} />
<div className="label">Genre:</div>
<Field fieldName="genre" type={Text} />
<div className="label">Insert an optional description:</div>
<Field fieldName="description" type={Text} />
<br />
<Button onClick={() => this.refs.form.submit()}>Register Movie</Button>

Other props that Autoform can use are:

  • schema: It allows to specify a schema directly from an object in the React Component.
  • clean: By default, Autoform uses the clean method from Orionjs, but it can receive a custom clean method.
  • validate: By default, Autoform uses the validate method from Orionjs, but it can receive a custom validate method.
  • omit: It receives an array containing the names of the elements in the schema you don't want to render as fields.
  • only: It receives an array containing only the names of the elements in the schema you want to render.
  • fragment: Only use this property when using the Autoform component inside a React.Fragment.


For this example, the insertMovie mutation should already be declared in the index.js file in the root of the resolvers folder, and have this structure:

import {resolver} from '@orion-js/app'
import Movies from 'app/collections/Movies'
import Movie from 'app/models/Movie'

export default resolver({
params: {
name: {
type: String
genre: {
type: String
description: {
type: String,
optional: true
returns: Boolean,
mutation: true,
async resolve({name, genre, description}, viewer) {
const movie = await Movies.insertOne({name, genre, description})
return true

By using the schema in the params object, the Autoform component will show 3 input fields: name, genre, and description.